Rule of Life

You may wish to try living by a Rule of Life. The overall intention of any rule of life is to provide spiritual scaffolding that allows for growth in our discipleship to Christ. The suggestions below could be headings for a personal rule of life but the commitments will differ for each person, as many YFs are in different stages of life and require different commitments for spiritual growth. They are the headings used by the Third Order, Society of St. Francis.


  1. Eucharist. A central place given to celebrating the Eucharist.

  2. Penitence. A daily look at our shortcomings leading to a renewed gospel life.

  3. Personal Prayer. Time given daily for reflection and prayer.

  4. Self-Denial. Living a life of joyful simplicity, humble service and self-discipline, as Francis did.

  5. Retreat. A yearly retreat to spend time listening to God.

  6. Study. Regular periods of time spent in meditatively studying God’s world.

  7. Simplicity St Francis lived a life of extreme poverty. Trying to set aside the desire to acquire possessions and live as simply as we can.

  8. Society; work; family. Trying to make God known through our work and life in society and family.

  9. Obedience. Glad to serve and obey one another in a spirit of good will.